Sunday, February 9, 2014

Healthy living - Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight

10:52 PM

Managing your weight doesn't have to mean altering your life dramatically. Take small steps, aim modestly and realistically, and then build from there. A small, steady weight loss of ½ to 1 Kg (one or two pounds) a week is much easier to attain and healthier for your heart than a larger drop. Research also shows that you'll be much more likely to keep it off.
What to eat
  • Add vegetables and fruit to your meals and snacks, aiming for 4 to 10 servings a day, as recommended by Canada's Food Guide.
  • Switch to whole-grain breads and cereals whenever possible to help you feel full.
  • Avoid fried foods – they are high in fat and calories.
  • Choose a wide variety of healthy foods  such as colourful red peppers and dark green leafy lettuce, , whole-grain bread, low-fat milk extra-lean meat, legumes and nuts (in moderation), to nourish your body with essential nutrients.
  • Read the Nutrition Facts table on all food labels to assess the amount of calories, saturated fats, trans-fats, sugar and salt a product may contain. Also look at the Nutrition Fact table for the inclusion of healthy nutrients such as protein, fibre, vitamins A and C, iron and calcium.
  • Look for the Heart&Stroke Health Check™ symbol on food packages. Health Check is the Foundation's food program based on Canada's Food Guide to help Canadians make wise food choices at the grocery store and in some restaurants.
What to drink
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day.
  • Choose low-fat milk (skim, 1%).
  • Avoid pop, sugary drinks and alcohol.
How much to eat
  • Make portions a reasonable size – avoid supersized portions and second helpings.
  • Use smaller plates, bowls and cups.
  • Fill up half of your plate with vegetables, then a quarter with whole grains, and the last quarter with meat or alternatives.
When to eat
  • Eat three meals and two healthy snacks a day, at regularly spaced intervals.
  • Make sure you eat breakfast. People who eat breakfast tend to maintain a healthy weight.
How to eat
  • Eat slowly, enjoying the flavours and textures.
  • Make mealtime a social activity with family and friends, which may prevent bingeing.
  • Avoid unconscious eating at your desk, in your car or in front of the TV.
Be physically active
Adults (18 to 64 years of age) and older adults (65 and older) must get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity per week.
Just 30 minutes a day of moderate activity, such as a brisk walk, most days of the week, not only helps you lose weight, but is also a key factor in keeping it off over the long term.
Get started on your personal weight loss goals today with the MY Heart&Stroke Healthy Weight Action Plan.
Canada’s Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that adults 18 to 65 and older get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. Try using a pedometer to motivate you to be active every day by tracking your steps.
Last reviewed: April 2011.

Nadeem Zia, B.Pharm, RPh. 

OpenDoor Team,

Consulting Pharmacist, Vancouver, BC Canada

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Reference:  Healthy living - Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight - Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

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